Flour machinery how to use the elevator correctly

Flour machinery how to use the elevator correctly A set of flour machinery is composed of multiple components, the hoist is one of them, then how to use it correctly! The following Henan Taixing flour small scale maize milling machine for africa market sale machinery manufacturers for your detailed introduction! 1, In flour machinery, the hoist must have winch limiter and stroke limiter, the limiter should make the pulley stop automatically when it is raised to 300mm from the reel or pulley. 2, flour machinery hoist should have the maximum load sign, lifting, landing weight overload allowed (1T). After power transmission check winch limiter, travel limiter, interlock switch and other safety devices, action sensitive and reliable, and test hanging. 3, lifting, landing before the bell alarm, before driving.grain wheat semolina flour processing milling machine Flour processing equipment hoist must not be allowed to load up and down. After work, hoist hanging plate should be landing, and then cut off the power, shut up the fence door. Always maintain the hoist around the sanitation.